Services and Quantum Software Workshop (SQS 2024) - Program and Schedule
Session 1 (11:00 - 12:30) (Session Chair: Jose Garcia-Alonso)
Antonio Brogi, Distributing Quantum Computations (Invited presentation)
Benjamin Weder, Workflow-based Hybrid Quantum Applications (Invited presentation)
Lunch (12:30 - 13:30)
Session 2 (13:30 - 15:00) (Session Chair: Benjamin Weder)
Antonio García de la Barrera, Manuel Ángel Serrano, Ignacio García Rodríguez de Guzmán,Macario Polo and Mario Piattini, Automatic generation of property-based tests for theverification of quantum algorithms.
Sergio Hernández, Danel Arias, Javier Lázaro, Javier Ibarra, Aitor Morais, IkerPastor-López and Pablo García Bringas, Q-TEE: A Service-Oriented Tool for Assessing theTrainability and Expressivity of Variational Quantum Circuits.
Álvaro Manuel Aparicio Morales, Jose Garcia-Alonso, Javier Cámara and Juan M. Murillo, Hybrid (Quantum-Classical) Service Applications Deployment Configuration System.
Conference Welcome Reception in the Medina of Tunis: flavor of the Orient